Chinatown Characters

Driving through Chinatown the other day, we saw an old, old Chinese dude walking along proudly sporting a nice cowboy hat. I think his name was Yee Ha.

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Lumpy day today

Very very earthquakey around here today. There was a 4.2 this morning that we completely missed, we couldn’t feel it on the boat at all. This evening, however, there was another one centered near Berkely (a 3.9) that we did feel on the boat. FREAKY! No damage around the boatyard from either one.

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Almost Done

After many many delays and much more time and expense than we ever expected, we’re almost done here. It will be good to leave the Bay Area and get to someplace warm and affordable. We should be in Morro Bay within 2 weeks. Clearly Morro Bay is neither warm or affordable but it’s on the […]

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First Night

We slept aboard last night, the first time since right after Eli got the tracheostomy about 12 1/2 years ago. It was the first good night’s sleep that I’ve had in many years. You just can’t sleep like this anywhere else. This boat has the most seakindly motion and in fact it’s even nicer on […]

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New Controls

We finally finished installing new (to us) engine control handles in the cockpit today. I thought it would be a couple of hours but it was a couple of days. The work perfectly but I’m tired of rebuilding systems that allegedly were “fine” before we bought the boat. I expected 3-4 weeks of work here […]

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Hanging out

We have the mast down, we took it down last Tuesday and we have an appointment to have it re-stepped this Tuesday. Almost everything that could be wrong with the hardware, electrical, or running rigging was wrong. We’ve had a hard week getting everything prepared but we’re almost done with this stage and tomorrow shouldn’t […]

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In the water

In the water

After a marathon effort by all three of us we finally launched Landfall last week. This is good. It’s really good. The only water intrusion was through one small through-hull seacock. We plan to use it later for our saltwater foot pump for washing dishes but we don’t need to hook all of that up […]

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Fear the Coke Machine

I was reading through a page of death and injury statistics a few months ago, something published by a government agency, and I was really surprised by a few things. As a surfer I was particularly interested to see that although surfing looks fairly dangerous the severity of injuries and likelihood of death are similar […]

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It’s Aliiive!

Yep, the trusty Perkins diesel started right up. Right after a week of running around looking for plumbing parts and electrical parts and more plumbing parts to hook it all up to the boat and to attach all of it’s various pieces together. Then a weekend of cleaning fuel and treating fuel to no avail […]

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Big Eyes

Big Eyes

Okay…I guess they’re not really Big Eyes, but our new BARSKA Gladiator binoculars did a pretty bang up job of revealing last night’s moon, in all its pockmarked glory. We’ve been planning on replacing our binoculars later, rather than sooner. Our first pair is, admittedly, more than a little worse for the wear. Even so, […]

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