Dongee Butt

18 May 2018


Dongee Butt

“How-la?,” she said, with the standard-issue grab bag of tells that lets everyone within a half-kilometer radius know that this person is here on vacation, staying at an all-inclusive resort, and sobered up enough to realize they’ve suddenly found themselves outside said resort…in MEXICO.  She was standing there, like a red and white striped zebra, […]

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Rooster Plays Chicken in the Plaza at High Noon

31 March 2017


Rooster Plays Chicken in the Plaza at High Noon

From the Landfall Voyages Tumblr files!

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Girl Mechanic + Fancy Nail Polish = Fail

18 March 2015


Girl Mechanic + Fancy Nail Polish = Fail

Sometimes, nerve damage is like a superpower. Most of my left side has pretty minimal sensation, which is all kinds of awesome when you’re fighting off super villain assassination squads or, you know, if you happen to be in mild mannered alter ego mode, elbow deep in a diesel engine, trying to reach that one […]

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Gotta Watch Those Lulls In Conversation

23 March 2014

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Gotta Watch Those Lulls In Conversation

I have a talent, it seems, for filling up the little spaces in conversation with all the words you never say in polite company. When Eli was a 3rd grader, his school district went all “scorched-earth” on the subject of unhealthy foods. We found out about it on Back-to-School night—you know, the night you rush […]

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Alien Abduction

10 April 2013


Alien Abduction

Last week, I walked up to the Kiosko convenience store to get a couple things and as I rounded the corner, it was chaos. There were cases and cases of Cup-O-Noodles stacked head high, surrounded by confused looking young men, a beer truck, dogs, kids, four chefs, trash, a mop and a mop bucket, and […]

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Hockles Suck. Also, I may have tied an Air Bowline.

13 March 2013


Hockles Suck. Also, I may have tied an Air Bowline.

From the backlog: When we upped anchor in Turtle Bay, we came face to face with a weird looking section of 3-strand that turned out to be a Hockle [cue foreboding music]. Innocuous little word, isn’t it? Rhymes with cockle and is the equivalent of the blue screen of death for your anchor line. Worse, […]

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Day 10: The Shit Diaries, Golden Showers and Shit

13 August 2012


Day 10: The Shit Diaries, Golden Showers and Shit

As we discussed before, living on a boat means a lot of things, namely getting to play with your own shit water in far flung, yet undeniably scenic locations. I’m thinking it’s a kind of instant karma for getting to do all that sailing about in the water and the traveling all over the place […]

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Morning Coffee, the Viva Mexico Edition

11 August 2012


Morning Coffee, the Viva Mexico Edition

Apparently Mexico beat Brazil in the Olympic soccer final and won the gold. I had no idea until I pedaled out for coffee this morning. The whole waterfront and gringo shopping district (shopping for gringos, not shopping  for gringos) was filled with Mexicanos locos screaming VIVA MEXICO! from cars, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles or anything else, all […]

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Squeaky Birds in the Bilge

12 May 2012


Squeaky Birds in the Bilge

We’ve got a bilge that’s impenetrably dark and seriously, deep enough to hide bodies in. For real. We haven’t actually field tested this particularly handy feature. Yet. Still, it’s nice to know we could take on a crapload of water and it would mostly just spiral down into the uncharted territory of the deepest parts […]

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I Got a Hooker’s Phone Number

23 March 2012

1 Comment

It started innocuously enough, with a little late night texting and now…feels like she’s part of the family. Shortly after we activated our new Virgin phone (naturally, right?), we got a text from this guy in Maryland: MD: hey mami u lookin so rica Us: o thx papi u make me so horny Us: i […]

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