Shit Tank Shenanigans

Shit Tank Shenanigans

When you tell someone that you’re sailing around the world, the picture that pops up in their heads is invariably a lot more glamorous than the down and dirty, day-in-and-day-out reality proves to be. And by down and dirty I mean that sooner or later you’re gonna be crunched up like a contortionist, playing hide […]

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Getting the Shaft

Getting the Shaft

Diesels are not at all like their  gasoline brethren. A finely tuned gas-fed engine sort of purrs under its breath and hums high-pitched songs of far off places to the road beneath its wheels. A diesel is not so refined. They growl and jitter and the songs they sing are not captured by the ear […]

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Sweet Lil’ Tug

Sweet Lil’ Tug

I’ve always had a soft spot for tugboats. When 2012 finally rolled on into the bay, some people were shooting off fireworks from the pier and their fizzling remnants kept raining down onto the deck of the tug.

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Neon Cotton Candy Electropunk Sunsets

Neon Cotton Candy Electropunk Sunsets

Our friend John Somics is a Burning Man kind of artist who views the whole world as his palette. He’s a master carpenter who, after losing the tips of his index and ring fingers, had the tip of his undamaged middle finger shaved off to match because he didn’t want to look like he was […]

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I Love Moorings

Not the Moorings yacht charter folks, I don’t know anything about them. I love having the boat out on a mooring as opposed to tied up to a dock. At the dock, nice people walk by, look in a little sometimes, say hi sometimes, want to talk boats, ask nice questions, compliment us on our […]

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San Luis ObispNO County

We’ve been gone from here for seven months. I assumed, since I am imperfect, that my perception of life on the Central Coast might be askew and that with a new perspective my opinion might change. As it turns out I was wrong in thinking that I might be wrong. (Do two wrongs make me […]

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I swear, we didn’t sail off the edge of the Earth

I swear, we didn’t sail off the edge of the Earth

It would appear we’ve been somewhat remiss in updating–rest assured, we did not fall victim to West Coast pirates; we did not take an unscheduled tour of Davy Jones’ locker; and we have not been press ganged into a century-long stint before the mast on board the Flying Dutchman. It’s been just completely, utterly, hella […]

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Santa Cruz

We left Half Moon Bay after a couple of days to recover. The weather looked OK. Not good, just OK but we’ve been feeling some urgency to get souther before winter fully sets in. Out of Half Moon Bay we again had the wind and the swells behind us but the waves were very close […]

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