How to Make Ice Cream at Anchor

How to Make Ice Cream at Anchor

First, buy two 190 watt solar panels and 4 golf cart batteries, plus a Magnum 2000 watt inverter and a sub-panel for your outlets. Install all that stuff. Now go buy another 190 watt panel, two more 6V batteries, a Blue Sky charge controller and some big 2/0 wire and install it as well. Next […]

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Already. A decade and a half it’s been since the universe and the gods that be saw fit to favor us with the most wonderful and capricious April Fool’s day gift ever. People are always surprised we didn’t know ahead of time that Eli was going to have achondroplastic dwarfism. “Didn’t you have, like, prenatal […]

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Standing Ovation

Marina Del Rey. It conjures up images of Mega-Yachts, Movie Stars, and illustriousness, doesn’t it? It is all that, but there’s more, too. Unpleasantness as well. Poop floating by every day, on land and in the water. Actual feces in the water, every day, but really bitter and unhappy humans floating by on land. You […]

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I Got a Hooker’s Phone Number

It started innocuously enough, with a little late night texting and now…feels like she’s part of the family. Shortly after we activated our new Virgin phone (naturally, right?), we got a text from this guy in Maryland: MD: hey mami u lookin so rica Us: o thx papi u make me so horny Us: i […]

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Monterey Bay is all about the wildlife. And chowder.

Monterey Bay is all about the wildlife. And chowder.

The sail from Santa Cruz to Monterey was stunning. Perfect weather. Short hop–maybe 5 or 6 hours. For an hour or so, the wind and the swell and our heading all fell together so that we didn’t even need to touch the wheel at all. The boat just sailed herself along as if she already […]

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Drug Violence in Mexico

Now that we’re in Southern California and looking towards the border, we’re faced with the terrifying reality of drug violence in Mexico. You’ve heard all about it in the news. Mexico is so dangerous. One hundred and eleven. 111 dead. Exactly the same number of Americans as were killed in Las Vegas last year. Every […]

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Sail Ho!

Sail Ho!

One of the funny quirks about living aboard is the compulsion you develop for situational awareness. First thing in the morning, even before you pee, you’ve got to stick your head out the companionway and have a little look-see session with the wind and the waves. What’s the weather doing? Which direction is the boat facing? […]

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Past the Point

The boat is finally, FINALLY past Point Conception! After wayyyyy too many delays, getting stuck where we didn’t want to be, broken this and that, bad weather, social obligations, waiting and waiting and waiting, Landfall sailed around the point in nearly perfect conditions last night. OFF TO THE ISLANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My New Drunk Friends

We have these new boat neighbors, really nice guys. We like them a lot in spite of the fact that they’re always drunk. I’m not saying that they drink often, we’re talking buzzed in the morning and drunk at night. Tequila with breakfast never hurt anyone, right? They have many fine stories. Out of last […]

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