Getting the Shaft

4 January 2012


Getting the Shaft

Diesels are not at all like their  gasoline brethren. A finely tuned gas-fed engine sort of purrs under its breath and hums high-pitched songs of far off places to the road beneath its wheels. A diesel is not so refined. They growl and jitter and the songs they sing are not captured by the ear […]

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Sweet Lil’ Tug

2 January 2012

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Sweet Lil’ Tug

I’ve always had a soft spot for tugboats. When 2012 finally rolled on into the bay, some people were shooting off fireworks from the pier and their fizzling remnants kept raining down onto the deck of the tug.

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2012 Sounds Impossibly Futuristic

1 January 2012


2012 Sounds Impossibly Futuristic

2012 Looks Full of Possibilities

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Neon Cotton Candy Electropunk Sunsets

31 December 2011


Neon Cotton Candy Electropunk Sunsets

Our friend John Somics is a Burning Man kind of artist who views the whole world as his palette. He’s a master carpenter who, after losing the tips of his index and ring fingers, had the tip of his undamaged middle finger shaved off to match because he didn’t want to look like he was […]

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Adventure is just over the horizon

28 December 2011

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Adventure is just over the horizon

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How’s the new Perkins looking?

13 June 2011


How’s the new Perkins looking?

We bought this used and decided to reseal it and replace a few parts. It’s almost done!

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The Uninflatable

4 June 2011


The Uninflatable

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