Morning Coffee, Stripper Edition Part 2

Yesterday I went out for coffee again, obviously, and had to do a couple of errands. After the first two, a stop at a pharmacia and something else that I can’t remember right now, I had to repeat the paint stripper journey. I went to the same paint store and to the same taco stand […]

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Mexican Emergency Room Madness, aka Part 2

Aaaannnnndd, we’re back. Apologies for the delay on Part the Second, but getting over one of these spasm attacks is rough. It feels like a Kenworth has been using my left side as a parking lot for the last week or so. Now where were we? Oh yes…in the taxi, on the way to the […]

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Sorry for the delay of Part 2

Tamiko is still recovering. She’s had to take more muscle relaxants than we’d like so she’s pretty drowsy. I can’t finish that story, I can’t write like she can. I write like a chainsaw, she writes like a rose garden. It’s been a rough week. One example- Last night the blue camoflaged shark cage diving […]

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Pollo Asado

We had dinner delivered tonight. There are BBQ chicken places that deliver inexpensive food all over Mexico. They’re what El Pollo Loco modeled their food after.  Chicken split in half, marinated in fruit juices and spices and cooked over wood, it’s great. For about $11.00 they brought enough food for a large family. Two chickens, […]

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And There We Were in a Mexican Emergency Room: Part 1

The teak deck is damp and gritty against my face. The stars above are far away and beautiful. The sound of phaser fire drifts up from the cabin below and I try to imagine I am on the bridge of Enterprise, in the Star Trek episode we’d been watching, and not pinned to the deck […]

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It Always Happens in the Middle of the Night…

It Always Happens in the Middle of the Night…

Or 2:30 in the morning, to be more exact. I was deep under –we’re talking dead, asleep drooling on the pillow–  when Steve crawled over me, opened the head door and stood there for a minute. “Why is that pump running”? he asked. There’s no sleeping through a question like that. Unless you want to […]

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Failed Attempt at Point Conception

            We haven’t talked much about our trip around Point Conception or our first failed attempt. We left Morro Bay for Port San Luis Obispo and had a fairly nice sail down. We arrived at night, as usual, but were able to navigate through the mooring fields and find the […]

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Water Versus Diesel

On either side of our boat, embedded into the deck, there are two deck fills about two feet apart. The forward pair has the word WATER cast into the bronze, the aft pair DEISEL. I know I misspelled that. The boat was made in Taiwan and the word, cast into thousands of deck fills, was […]

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Varnish Insanity

Before we found this boat we had a big list of likes and dislikes. I absolutely said NO PILOTHOUSE and NOTHING WITH LOTS OF WOOD. Well, we found this boat at about 1/3rd to 1/5th of market value and guess what? It’s a pilothouse with 2 1/2 acres of wood to care for. Varnish, sanded […]

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Los Globos: Best Open Air Markets and Second Hand Stores in Ensenada

Los Globos: Best Open Air Markets and Second Hand Stores in Ensenada

Los Globos is a 12 square block section of mostly open air market stalls in the middle of Ensenada. You can find everything there, like super fresh produce at unbelievably cheap prices, fresh meat, ice cream, tents, old keyboards, antique wood-burning stoves, vintage rocking horses, entire bedroom sets for $120 and pretty much any kind […]

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