Archive | January, 2013

On To Bahia Magdalena–From The Backlog

16 January 2013


On To Bahia Magdalena–From The Backlog

Bahia Magdalena is one of those places you really ought to see if you’re cruising down the Baja coast. Says so right in all the guidebooks and as it turns out, they do not lie. It’s huge, first off, and this far down, the desert starts to give way to a more tropical feel. It’s […]

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Turtles All The Way Down

10 January 2013

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Turtles All The Way Down

Turtle Bay gets its name from the turtles that used to cruise the waters, before they all got hunted into oblivion. The shape of it is kind of Tortuga-ish as well. Makes me think that one of the great ancient turtles who carry the world upon their shells maybe passed on one day and all […]

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Down Tortuga Way

8 January 2013


Down Tortuga Way

Coming down the coast of Baja, our internet connection was mostly cruddy, which pretty much ruled out blog updates. Even with the Telcel dongle, we found ourselves generally without a reliable connection. In Turtle Bay, it took days and days to pay for our fuel, because the town’s cell signal was kaput and the fuel […]

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