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Hockles Suck. Also, I may have tied an Air Bowline.

13 March 2013


Hockles Suck. Also, I may have tied an Air Bowline.

From the backlog: When we upped anchor in Turtle Bay, we came face to face with a weird looking section of 3-strand that turned out to be a Hockle [cue foreboding music]. Innocuous little word, isn’t it? Rhymes with cockle and is the equivalent of the blue screen of death for your anchor line. Worse, […]

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San Carlos–From The Backlog

8 March 2013


San Carlos–From The Backlog

Even though Mag Bay is certifiably ginormous, there’s not a lot of buildup, so to speak. It’s chock-full of scenic wonder and amazing wildlife and not much else. Awesome for relaxing and recharging your soul and all, but kind of inconvenient when your frickety-fracking whatisit finally gives up the ghost and there is NO HOPE […]

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Puerto Magdalena–from the Backlog

3 March 2013


Puerto Magdalena–from the Backlog

Puerto Magdalena is a sleepy little fishing village inside Bahia Magdalena–and by sleepy I mean, I fell asleep practically as soon as we got the anchor set. But also, it’s really laid-back and incredibly isolated. The whole town goes dark around 10pm every night, when they shut the generator down and there is no way […]

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