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Festival del Tacos y Cerveza

20 August 2012

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Festival del Tacos y Cerveza

We are really lucky that Ensenada is crazy for festivals, especially food related ones. So far this summer we’ve had a festivals for Blues music, cheese and wine, Chinese food, mushrooms, books and lectures, Mexican culture, and a couple more that escape my memory at the moment. This weekend they had a Taco and Beer […]

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Soriana Super

15 August 2012


Yesterday we realized we were out of just about everything, so we hightailed it up to the green Super Soriana. Soriana is a chain of grocery stores in Mexico and the green super is our favorite. So far as we can tell, they’ve got green ones, red ones, mini ones, regular ones, and the supers. […]

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23 June 2011


Typically, I drive about 85 MPH on the highways. I know it’s too fast but I don’t drink a lot, womanize, or gamble, so I must exhibit a flaw somewhere. Surprisingly I don’t get many tickets because I have radar. I don’t mean that I have a radar detector, I mean that I have radar. […]

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From Humble Beginnings

6 May 2011


This is the story of my family’s long nautical tradition. When I was small, in the 60’s, my family made a trip to the Salton Sea. My dad was a bit of a partier and his boat was a classic P.O.S. It was a 16′ flat-bottomed lake boat with a big V-8 and a direct […]

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