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Wherein a Captain Tries to Strangle One of His Crew

22 October 2012


Wherein a Captain Tries to Strangle One of His Crew

He kind of deserved it. There are a couple of shark-diving boats that operate out of Cruiseport Village marina, here in Ensenada. For three months of the year, they are paid extraordinarily good money to haul insane vacationers out to popular shark haunts where they can frolic in the water amongst cute and cuddly maneaters. […]

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How Do You Know When You’re Ready to Go Cruising?

21 October 2012


I had a lot of keys. House, deadbolt, garage, camper, racecar, shop door, shop deadbolt, shop other door, shop other deadbolt, shop 3rd door, suitcases, shop storage, shop bathroom, big tool box, side tool box, roll around tool box, race tool box, truck, Subaru, Porsche, Porsche, Porsche, wheel locks, boatyard bathroom, boatyard shower, and the […]

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The Mexican Navy Happened Today

19 October 2012


While Hurricane Paul peters out along the coast of Baja, doing nothing much except pouting big grey clouds across the sky, folks in the marina are bustling about–some of us are heading south in a few weeks, others are hunkering down for what passes as winter in Ensenada, and a few just plain bustle all […]

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Morning Coffee, Letch Edition

18 October 2012


As you may know, I enjoy frequenting cafes. I’ve grown acquainted with a retired man who also visits the cafe who lives across the street from the one that I go to most often. He has three topics of conversation. Ten percent is current news. Another ten percent is bad jokes. The other eighty percent […]

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Morning Coffee, Dog Shit Edition

1 October 2012


Morning Coffee, Dog Shit Edition

There’s this cafe in Ensenada that has the best apple pie in the world. I mean that. The World. Ironic isn’t it? I don’t go there often because it’s as expensive as Starbucks but every once in a while it’s OK. Their pie is over four inches thick and it’s layered with cheese and when it’s […]

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Morning Coffee, Stripper Edition Part 2

28 September 2012


Yesterday I went out for coffee again, obviously, and had to do a couple of errands. After the first two, a stop at a pharmacia and something else that I can’t remember right now, I had to repeat the paint stripper journey. I went to the same paint store and to the same taco stand […]

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Mexican Emergency Room Madness, aka Part 2

25 September 2012

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Aaaannnnndd, we’re back. Apologies for the delay on Part the Second, but getting over one of these spasm attacks is rough. It feels like a Kenworth has been using my left side as a parking lot for the last week or so. Now where were we? Oh yes…in the taxi, on the way to the […]

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And There We Were in a Mexican Emergency Room: Part 1

18 September 2012


The teak deck is damp and gritty against my face. The stars above are far away and beautiful. The sound of phaser fire drifts up from the cabin below and I try to imagine I am on the bridge of Enterprise, in the Star Trek episode we’d been watching, and not pinned to the deck […]

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It Always Happens in the Middle of the Night…

8 September 2012


It Always Happens in the Middle of the Night…

Or 2:30 in the morning, to be more exact. I was deep under –we’re talking dead, asleep drooling on the pillow–  when Steve crawled over me, opened the head door and stood there for a minute. “Why is that pump running”? he asked. There’s no sleeping through a question like that. Unless you want to […]

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Los Globos: Best Open Air Markets and Second Hand Stores in Ensenada

28 August 2012


Los Globos: Best Open Air Markets and Second Hand Stores in Ensenada

Los Globos is a 12 square block section of mostly open air market stalls in the middle of Ensenada. You can find everything there, like super fresh produce at unbelievably cheap prices, fresh meat, ice cream, tents, old keyboards, antique wood-burning stoves, vintage rocking horses, entire bedroom sets for $120 and pretty much any kind […]

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