I was reading through a page of death and injury statistics a few months ago, something published by a government agency, and I was really surprised by a few things. As a surfer I was particularly interested to see that although surfing looks fairly dangerous the severity of injuries and likelihood of death are similar to golf. The most amazing conclusion that I gleaned from the stats is that you are twice as likely to be killed by a vending machine as you are to ever be attacked by a shark. Not killed by a shark, merely attacked.
I have no comments concerning the health risks of eating and drinking what’s in the vending machines, but I think it’s safer to eat shark.
Very uncool Stevie! Airplanes, panic disorders, agoraphobia…wtf…now coke machines? You read too much! (say, if you don’t mind, precisely how does a coke machine get you? just askin’)
BTW, a little research on my part revealed an even more onerous statistic: it appears that the most dangerous of ALL activities is to go surfing WITH a coke machine! (not precisely sure why…I guess the sharks are naturally attracted to the smell of coke, & then accidentally assail the surfer…there is also the smaller issue of the weight of coke machine versus it’s surface area & displacement…like I say, I’m not sure why…bottom line: NEVER GO SURFING with a coke machine!)
I look forward to more illuminating research from you Steve. Later, Paul
Hey–when are you guys gonna’ be out & sailing? I want to read all about it–from Tahiti!